What We Do
Finding Solutions
CM Voter Center advocates for common sense, practical solutions to our state’s most pressing conservation issues. We bring people together to solve issues of common concern, such as protecting the quality of our water, removing toxic chemicals from children’s products, preserving public lands, and protecting communities from the impacts of climate change.
Understanding Minnesotans’ Priorities
CM Voter Center conducts research to find out which issues are most important to Minnesotans and how we can engage people from across the state in our work. We know engaging broader and more diverse sets of people means making better decisions for our collective future.
Actions Speak Louder Than Words
We all want to know if our elected officials are voting our values at the State Capitol. But with busy lives, it’s difficult for most people to keep track of what happens in St. Paul. CM Voter Center provides grants to support the operation and maintenance of Conservation Minnesota’s online Voting Records tool. This simple tool gives Minnesotans access to real-time monitoring of their legislators’ actions on conservation issues.
Legislative Accountability
After the state legislative session and during election time CM Voter Center provides information to voters about candidates’ voting records and positions on conservation issues.
Putting Principles Into Practice
At CM Voter Center, it’s our staff and board who make the difference.
We rely on a talented and growing team of board members and staff who share a commitment to the principle that conservation is not liberal or conservative. Preserving public lands and improving the quality of our water and air for future generations should not divide us, it should unite us. We work with concerned Minnesotans from every region, background, and political party to find practical solutions that protect our cherished Great Outdoors.