Press Release
July 16, 2020
Contact: Liz Deering, liz@conservationminnesota.org
Conservation Minnesota Voter Center Launches ECO Act Billboard Campaign: “Paul Gazelka, What’s the Hold Up?”
Minneapolis, MN—This week, Conservation Minnesota Voter Center launched a billboard campaign asking Senate Majority Leader Paul Gazelka why he’s holding up legislation on the bipartisan and widely supported ECO Act this special session.
Billboard located in Saint Paul at 35E and University Avenue
The Energy Conservation & Optimization (ECO) Act is a proposal to make common-sense updates to our state’s energy efficiency program that will reduce energy costs and generate jobs – both of which have never been more critical as Minnesotans continue to grapple with the economic fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic. Prior to the 2020 legislative session, Minnesota Senate leadership committed to passing meaningful clean energy policy. Yet inexplicably, this bill is being held up by Senator Gazelka, when all it needs is an up or down vote on the senate floor to pass. It will put Minnesotans back to work, give utilities more flexibility in meeting carbon reduction goals, and expand benefits for low-income households. The ECO Act is a win for the environment, residents and businesses across the entire state.
“The ECO Act will put Minnesotans back to work and saves families money. Senator Paul Gazelka needs to stop holding this bill hostage and allow the legislature to move this bill forward,” said Paul Austin, Executive Director at Conservation Minnesota Voter Center. “The authors of this bill have done a remarkable job building beneficial, bipartisan legislation. This bill has the support of Minnesota’s electric utilities, electrical contractors, and a diverse set of nonprofit advocates. It’s perplexing why this bill has not received a vote.”
Billboard located on Highway 10, north of Saint Cloud